The 40 Day Experience

“Jesus said to them…

John 10:10 (NKJV)

Looking into Scripture, we observe the significance of the number ’40’ in God’s story with mankind. 

We read about the heroes of faith, like Moses, Elijah and even Jesus Himself, who were led by the Spirit through a set-apart time of 40 days.

The circumstances of these stories are different, yet each is profound in its impact. 

Moses communed with God on top of the mountain, enabling him to continue in the call set before him. Elijah responded in obedience to God’s voice and was forever marked by an encounter with Him. And Jesus, who did not despise the desert place, gave Himself in fasting, prayer, and complete surrender to the will of the Father before launching into His calling to save the many.

These set-apart 40 days were significant for each individual, but the impact stretched far beyond, speaking to us even until now.

We believe that again, in our day and age, God is calling many to come away and seek His face. A time consecrated unto the Lord, for refreshment, restoration, preparation, discipleship, and, above all, for drawing close to God, to hear His voice, and to be deeply transformed by His presence.

Come away!

Basic Information

This is an opportunity to be exposed and integrated to who we are as a missional community, not a program geared to the individual joining.


Year round (aside from mid-June to mid-September)


1200EUR for 40 days. This includes housing and ministry related transportation. It does not include the flight to and from Cyprus or any overnight travel in or outside of the island.

photo with view on our piece of land

What you can expect:

  • Joining our weekly community rhythm
  • Daily worship and prayer
  • Growing in intercession – praying for various themes such as the Middle East, Israel, Cyprus, our generation, and others.
  • Weekly bible study and occasional teachings
  • Time for personal contemplation, prayer and reading of the Word
  • Local Outreach: Serving locally to bless Cyprus and prepare a way for God through practical work. Serving in farms, elderly homes, orphanages, serving the homeless, serving the least of the least
  • Developing practical skills and learning about God’s Word through agricultural and building projects
  • Fellowship in a community of committed friends


Check out more testimonies on our Instagram page!

Leah, UK

“I came to MHNCY expecting to learn a bit more about the Bible and have time to spend with God away from the busy world. And wow, did I get more than I bargained for! I developed a new hunger to know God better and be closer to Him, and an eagerness to read the Word. I had been longing for the gift of tongues for a long time and received it here, all the while experiencing fellowship with like-minded believers. I am excited to go forward with everything I have learnt and this newfound strength in my relationship with the Lord.”

Kylie and Addy, USA

“We are so thankful to have gotten to participate in the 40 Day Experience. We’re coming back home with our hearts full of praises for what the Lord has done. The spiritual growth we saw in both of us feels tangible and united us even more as a couple . Giving our ‘yes’ to our Heavenly Father took us to places (physically and spiritually) that we never would’ve imagined. Our prayer lives were transformed as well as our eyes opened to more of what the Lord needed us to see to build a firm foundation going forward!”

Arian, Germany

“It is unbelievable what the Lord is able to do in such a short time. I didn’t just encounter Him in work, worship or prayer but also in every intern, staff and leader. The Lord awakened in me a burning desire, a hunger to know His kingdom and my role in building it. Filled with this newfound love for Jesus and all the encouraging testimonies of the community, I feel ready to go back home and make a difference in my family and friend group. I am forever thankful!”

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