Help us grow.
Thank you for prayerfully considering supporting Mahanaim Cyprus. We invite you to be a critical part of impacting our generation, Israel and the nations from Cyprus.
If you don’t want to donate online you can send checks by mail:
Send checks made out to “Mahanaim” to:
c/o I Heart Church
294 Crossroads Dr.
Mt. Hope WV 25880
Be sure to make checks payable to ‘I Heart Church’ and memo the amount to “Mahanaim”, so your donation will be allocated correctly.
Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I give to a specific project or ministry staff?
Yes. Please designate your desired allocation or name of recipient!
Do you receive the whole amount of my donation?
Yes. The whole amount of your donation will be applied to us as there is no service charge deducted.
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes. Mahanaim Cyprus is processing its finances through iHeart Church, a registered USA 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organisation. Your gifts are tax-deductible in the USA. Currently, we are only able to offer donation receipts that are acceptable to the United States tax authorities. The finance office will mail donors an annual consolidated IRS 501(c)(3) receipt for any donations made in the current year.